Dependable safety management consultants
in Birmingham and the UK
It is Prem Safety UK Ltd's policy to offer advice, guidance, and solutions that is both relevant and essential to companies within its employ. Its consultants will always abide by your companies health, safety rules, policies and procedures
Prem Safety are a UK leading developer of interactive video-based online
training courses in health and safety, covering all relevant and up to date
legislation based around the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Safety management consultancy specialist
Prem Safety UK Ltd offers its health and safety consultancy services to a diverse range of businesses, including agencies, offices, manufacturing companies, construction companies, television companies and educational institutions. Our safety management consultancy services are in line with the IOSH code of conduct. We offer a common sense approach to all your health, safety and environmental needs. We provide cost-effective health and safety courses, risk assessment training and more.
We are working with businesses of all sizes across the UK to create safer and healthier working environments - helping employers establish and maintain a strong and positive workplace safety culture with reduced absenteeism and higher productivity.